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6 Things To Consider Before Buying A New Sofa

Here’s what you need to consider before buying the sofa that’s perfect for your living space Buying a sofa can be an overwhelming experience. Sofas are large and expensive, and investing in one can be a big commitment, helps you select the right one for your living space. 1. Consider The Layout Of Your Space Don’t pick up a sofa just because you think it looks nice in a store. Consider the entire layout of the space for which you’re purchasing the piece. Everything in the room – furniture, art and lighting – must look good together. In certain stores, you’re likely to pick a sofa that has been laid out carefully and interestingly with other pieces because the whole look is appealing, so keep in mind what you have in your own space, or else you will find that what looked excellent in the store is not as extraordinary in your home. 2. Make Sure It’s Comfortable You don’t want a sofa that looks good but is not comfortable. It is essential to know what your sofa is made of and what’s behind the pretty upholstery fabric. Polyurethane foam is the most commonly-used material in sofas, and the density of the foam ranges from 28 to 52. A comfortable sofa that neither sinks too much nor is too hard will usually have a thickness between 32 to 45. A high-density foam means better quality as it has a strong cell structure, which also means the sofa will last longer.
3. Think About Size and Shape Most sofas are rectangular, but, today, there are many options available – from sectionals to ovals and half-moons. L-shaped sofas are much sought after, but whether they work largely depends on the size of the room.It is important to check where you want to place the sofa to decide on the shape. Remember also to check for the correct size; you don’t want to land up with a sofa that is too big for the space, or that looks overwhelming or even too small in a room. A sofa must have breathing space too, so it is advisable to pick or customise the sofa depending on the dimensions of your space. Consider the height of the sofa as well, especially in the context of where it will be placed. For instance, if it is to be placed against a wall, it should not hinder features such as display shelves, art or anything you would like to be part of the overall setting. Also ensure that your potential sofa does not seem too ‘loud’ in the setting.
4. Pick The Right Colour If you want an oversized sofa, you can choose solid colours – bright ones such as blue or yellow or neutrals such as beige, grey or cream. Go with what you prefer and how well that colour blends with your decor. With petite sofas, you can go for patterns; putting a print on a large piece can make it look rather strange.5 Find The Perfect Fabric While selecting upholstery fabrics, opt for cotton and poly mix fabrics that are easy to maintain and highly durable. Make sure the material has a high Martindale value as sofa fabrics should be able to handle rough wear and tear and should last up to five years. Avoid picking delicate fabrics or ones with too many threads. Add some accent pillows or throws to make the sofa look more attractive.
6 Get The Base Right It’s nice today to be able to choose sofas that are not very bottom-heavy; select sofas with legs and free space at the bottom as this will help keep the floor under the couch clean and give the room a sense of space. Choose wooden or gold-plated legs to add some oomph to the space!

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